Easily Double Your List Without Spending Additional Costs To Acquire Leads

It is every marketer’s dream to see their email lists multiplying without having to increase their budget for acquiring leads.

There are two ways to increase your leads: the free way and the paid marketing strategies. You have to exert more effort and, more often than not, be more patient when you resort to free marketing campaigns to double your leads. Whereas in paid marketing, well, you have to spend some money wisely and let it do the work.

In 2017, the average cost per lead (CPL) was at $198. This varies according to industry, with the technology sector obtaining the highest average cost per lead at $208. The CPL for the retail industry is $34 per lead.

Generally, the lower the CPL, the more effective the marketing campaign is. Marketers assess their chosen strategies based on the cost per lead. No one would want to spend thousands of dollars in, say, influencer outreach, only to get minimal leads.

Paying a lead generation agency, finding the best solo ads seller, …I know you’ve done all of those.

Did you know that there is a brilliant trick to easily double your list without spending double of your usual costs per lead?

You are on the right page!

What Is SyncEmails?

SyncEmails works simply by uploading or dripping an email list to your autoresponder. It allows users to connect multiple autoresponders together, hence, one lead can be routed and added to multiple lists in the same or different autoresponders integrated in the system

With SyncEmails, one subscriber information that you acquired through a lead opt-in form can now be saved in different email lists in your autoresponders. You won’t have to manually input leads between multiple autoresponders because the software will automate it for you.

But what if a subscriber unsubscribes from the list?
Here’s the good news for you: the system will not erase the unsubscribers’ information from your other saved lists once they opted out. They will remain with you for as long as they are in your other lists, thanks to the leads multiplication feature of SyncEmails. The unsubscribers’ information will still be available for retargeting and lead nurturing. Keep in mind that market research shows that only 2% of sales occur the first time a business meets a prospect. The 98% would only buy after a certain level of trust has been established by the business with them. An unsubscriber is not a lost cause. SyncEmails will keep them for you.

You don’t need technical knowledge to make this work. You can automate the whole lead multiplication process with only a few steps:

Step 1: Click on Start Drip Button
Step 2: Select a lead source. You can either upload an email list (in CSV format) or select an existing list in a connected autoresponder.
Step 3: Select a destination for you drip
Step 4: Configure the drip
Step 5: Activate your drip

Other Features Of SyncEmails

One-Time fee (?). Unlike other lead generation softwares, SyncEmails will not charge you for every task you automate using the program.

Bulk email validation. Reduce your spam and hard bounce rates by validating and cleaning your email lists before importing them into the autoresponder.

Seamless integration. SyncEmails enables affiliates and email marketers to integrate all major autoresponders accounts and drip leads either from a CSV file or a connected autoresponder to another autoresponder.



$0per month

Free package forever - upgrade anytime

  • 100 Email drip
  • 100 Clean
  • 1 drip Setup
  • 2 Autoresponder Connections
Create Account


$9.90per month

Starter Plan for more scale individuals

  • 10,000 Email Syncs
  • 10,000 Clean
  • 3 Sync Setup
  • 4 Autoresponder Connections
  • Scheduling and Filteration
Create Account


$39.90per month

  • 50,000 Email Syncs
  • 10,000 Cleans
  • Extra Clean @5k/$10
  • Unlimited Sync Setup
  • 20 Autoresponders
  • Scheduling and Filteration
Create Account

Boost your affiliate marketing business with SyncEmails and be one of the most successful marketers out there without doing the hard technical work! Monetizing your leads multiple times and simplifying your lead generation need not be as tedious and costly as it seems with this revolutionary program!